
JP Nickell

JP has worked extensively in the oil and gas and cannabis industries for the last 15+ years. His focus has been on water remediation, environmental remediation, agriculture, microbiotics, all phases and unique growing techniques of hemp / cannabis, cultivation, and various cloning. This has lead to JP being at the forefront of the cannabis industry overall as one of the main staples of the industry as a true influencer with the ability to forecast where the market is trending and how to capitalize on all fronts for his business partners. Few come close to the extensive knowledge JP has accumulated over years of constant dedication, honing his craft in all phases of the growing process and developing unique growing solutions to stay ahead of the curve, and maximize revenue streams along with profit margins.

Over his years in these industries, JP has developed a true passion for working with natural products versus using chemical treatments which are potentially harmful to the environment.

JP is the Manufactures Representative for Secoes Chief Technical Advisor - NW MicroBiotics products for agriculture, environmental remediation and the cannabis and hemp industries.  This has allowed him to develop and build strong relationships with some of the top business minds in the rapidly growing cannabis sector. JP has spent the last three years primarily cultivating the market for a new microbiotic solution developed for the cannabis sector. JP’s microbial solutions has lead the way in an unprecedented 35% - 40% increased yield for each growing cycle for some of the biggest grow operations in the country. During his time developing this market, JP has worked side by side with the most knowledgeable biochemists, and master growers in the industry.  

This has lead to JP getting extensive hands on experience in;

  • All steps and techniques in each different type of growing process for cannabis and hemp.

  • Learning how to extensively recognize, diagnose, and remedy any hardship or pitfall that grow operations may encounter during their growing cycle.  

  • All the intricate workings and dealings of the Cannabis industry as a whole, from every vantage point. A unrivaled understanding of the landscape, players involved,  and how to navigate the daily evolution of the industry while making strategic decisions that open possibilities to new investments, deals, partnerships, and most importantly higher profitability.